Dec. 19, 2024 - Facing Down Violence: God's Love Prevails

Blessings of peace to all of you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.

As we gather today, I invite you to consider the weighty matters that weigh upon our world. The Lord has entrusted us with His Church to be the beacon of hope and love for humanity. Yet, there are those who would silence this voice of God by violence and bloodshed. Just as they chased Jesus from their midst in anger, so too have some lately tried to silence me through despicable acts of terrorism.

The plot to assassinate me was foiled by the astute and watchful eyes of our secular brothers and sisters in the UK intelligence community. Yet we are reminded that the Lord Himself was willing to suffer for us, even to death on a cross. May this inspire us to stand firm against evil, ever hopeful that love and peace shall triumph over hate.

But there is another evil that assails humanity today - violence against women. The abhorrent acts committed by those 51 men in the Pelicot case are a symptom of a cancerous society. We must open our eyes to the mute cries of the destitute, defend the poor and needy, as God's word instructs us in Proverbs 31:8-9. May this verdict be not merely an ends unto itself, but a turning point for all who hear its just outcome.

As we pray for these women, let our hearts also turn to those forsaken by conflict, like the people of Syria whom I have had the privilege to visit. Their stories of suffering are legion - hunger, displacement, rape, and worse. Yet amidst such tribulation, do not lose hope. Even in the face of human despair, Christ still walks among us, present in every soul He has sent to aid His beloved brothers and sisters.

In Matthew 25:40, we hear Him say, "whatever you did for one of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did for me." May our actions towards them be the very embodiment of His love. We have a duty as Catholics and as humanitarians to lend our hands, voices, and means towards relieving their pain.

O Lord, hear our prayer for peace in our midst. Where there is anger, may Your peace descend like dew upon the earth. May the Church's teachings and practices inspire those who seek to honor You through Their words and actions. Help us all to be Your hands and voice in the world today.

And to the leaders of Syria, let us pray for their courage to keep the promises they have made - to respect the rights of all your people, especially those most vulnerable among you. May the example of your commitment to these ideals be a beacon of hope for others who wish to live in peace and fraternity with one another.


What can we do?

In the face of recent world events, such as the foiled plot to assassinate Pope Francis, the ongoing violence against women, and the dire humanitarian crisis in Syria, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. However, our faith teaches us that even the smallest actions can make a difference. Here are some ways we can contribute towards making the world a better place:

1. Stay informed: Educate yourselves about these critical issues so you can prayerfully discern how to engage meaningfully.

2. Advocate for change: Support organizations and causes working to address these concerns through peaceful means, such as petitions, letters to elected officials, or participating in rallies and protests.

3. Support those on the frontlines: Donate to groups providing vital assistance like medical aid, legal counsel, and protection to vulnerable populations like women and children in Syria.

4. Be an ally: If you are part of a community being targeted (e.g., Pope Francis could have been a victim), consider volunteering with groups fighting for your safety and rights.

5. Raise awareness: Share articles, videos, and personal stories about these issues on social media to generate empathy and encourage others to take action.

6. Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to charities addressing sexual assault, women's empowerment, and international humanitarian crises.

7. Hold elected officials accountable: As citizens, we have the right and responsibility to demand our leaders prioritize humanity over violence and oppression.

8. Pray: Remember that prayer is a powerful tool for change. Offer intercessions for those affected by these crises, and for God's guidance on paths towards peace and justice.

9. Support those who protect: Express appreciation and pray for the safety of those who risk their lives to serve others, like Pope Francis or aid workers in Syria.

10. Encourage others: Mentor and inspire others to get involved, even if it's just one person at a time.

Go in peace knowing that your faith empowers you to make a difference in the world around you. God bless you on your journey of compassion and advocacy. May He grant us all the strength to be peacemakers in these trying times. Amen.

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