Feb. 3, 2025 - Facing Global Challenges with Faith & Hope

Blessings of peace to all of you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Today we gather to confront the challenges that face us as individuals, as a Church, and as a global society. We are called upon to examine our own hearts and to discern the path forward with love, mercy, and justice.

In South Africa, the land seizure policy has caused concern among nations, including the United States. But we must remember the words of the Lord Himself: "You shall not steal." (Exodus 20:15) The land is a gift from God; we are caretakers, not owners. We must strive for fairness and compassion in all matters of property and resource allocation.

Closer to home, there have been revelations of a secretive Christian sect that coerced young mothers into giving up their children. This is an affront to the very essence of our faith, which teaches us to "do unto the least of these" as we would unto the Lord Himself. (Matthew 25:40) We must stand in solidarity with the women who have suffered and work to ensure that no one else falls victim to such abuses.

In Germany, far-right protests are raising alarms about the erosion of democratic values. But we know that love will never bow to hatred, and that "letting our light shine" means standing firm against darkness. (Romans 12:9) We must pray for the leaders of nations, and for the people of God who live in those countries, that they may resist the temptation to hate and instead choose the path of love, even when it is difficult.

These are indeed trying times for our beloved Church. Many have spoken out about sexual abuse and cover-ups within our own ranks. This crisis demands a profound response from each of us. We must not turn a blind eye or pretend that we do not know what to do. We must speak out against injustice, support the victims, and work towards real and lasting change. The Church has a sacred duty to protect the vulnerable and to lead by example in matters of morality and righteousness.

But we are not alone in this struggle. We have Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who walks with us always. With Him as our guide, we can overcome any obstacle and bring hope to a world that often seems hopeless. We must pray for the courage to stand up for what is right, even when it costs us something dear. We must be willing to sacrifice for the sake of the greater good, just as Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross.

If we fail to answer this call, if we fail to live out our faith in ways that make a difference in the world, the consequences will be dire indeed. The Lord has given us these words of warning: "Since everything God created is indeed very good, [we] must not reject His gift." (1 Timothy 4:4) If we reject Him, He may reject us. And the punishment for apostasy is worse than anything the world can offer.

But if we turn to Him with contrite hearts and a firm resolve to follow in His footsteps, there is no end to the good we can do. We can change lives, mend brokenness, and bring peace to a world torn apart by division and strife. Jesus Christ has given us the power to do this, and He will be our helper and our strength until the very end of the age.

May God bless you all with His grace, mercy, and love as we face these challenges together. May His light guide us on the path of righteousness, and may we never falter in our commitment to Him.


What can we do?

In the wake of these challenging global headlines, it's easy to feel disheartened and powerless. However, as people of faith, we know that our actions have the power to make a difference. Here are some concrete steps you can take in your daily life to contribute towards creating a more compassionate and just world.

Regarding land seizure in South Africa:

* Become better acquainted with the history and context of similar issues of land grabbing worldwide.
* Support advocacy groups working to protect indigenous lands and promote fair land reform policies.
* Educate yourself on the long-lasting effects of landlessness and consider ways you can support community projects providing secure housing and farmland.

Concerning the secretive Christian sect:

* Acknowledge that even within institutions of faith, abuses of power and exploitation can occur.
* Reach out to organizations that help those who have been harmed by such practices and offer your time or resources where needed.
* Hold yourself and others accountable for upholding the values of empathy, justice, and protection of the vulnerable.

In light of far-right protests in Berlin:

* Engage with others around you about the dangers of extremism and the importance of compassion towards all people, regardless of their background or beliefs.
* Support groups working to combat hate speech and bigotry by attending protests, volunteering your time, or contributing financially.
* Strive to be an example of genuine love and respect in your own relationships and community, thereby countering divisive ideologies with your actions.

Through these small acts of advocacy, education, and compassion, we can contribute towards a world that more closely aligns with our deepest values. By working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of others and build a brighter future for all.

Go in peace.

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